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Gastro Market of “San Ildefonso”, Madrid

Project description

A large retail unit was allocated for a gastro market in the heart of Spain’s capital city, Madrid. It was therefore a necessity to articulate all levels, the street and the internal courtyard. The staircase acts as a connecting piece which stylishly marks its path along the inner double height. The design of each stand requires a detailed research of each activity to be able to efficiently condense and accommodate all the requirements from the client. Urban materials are employed for the interiors to achieve a spatial continuity with the street and blend in with the character of the area.

Project Detail

  • Refurbishment of a retail unit into a gastro market in “Fuencarral 57 c / v Calles Santa Barbara 1” street, Madrid

  • Date: December 2013

  • Client: Private

  • Budget: € 261,590.08