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Residential Building for 116 affordable units in “Dehesa Vieja”, San Sebastián de los Reyes

Project description

The project is located on a plot in the extension of the masterplan of San Sebastián de los Reyes, an urban area where alignments to the boundaries are set by local regulations. In the centre of the plot a big green space is reserved for child play space and amenity, allowing a housing scheme with through units and cross ventilation. The facades express the repetition of unit types with the exception of the duplex corner units which open onto a double height terrace. This is the only area of the building with certain expressivity as for the rest seeks a simple and elemental image.

Project Detail

  • Residential building for 116 affordable units in “Dehesa Vieja”, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid. Technical Design and Construction management

  • Date: January 2004

  • Client: Cooperative Society “Todo Madrid”

  • Budget: € 8,155,000.00