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School “Juan Pablo II” in Parla

Project description

Flexibility in the construction phases of the school has been one of the main drivers to the design of the building as the school is predicted to gradually grow following demand. A large main lobby organizes and distributes all uses leaving on one side all the classrooms organised by educational levels and on the other side all the common areas. Being this a school it is given special attention to outdoor spaces which are always linked to internal spaces of the building. Access into the building is done perpendicularly, establishing a gradation from public spaces into private spaces in two steps: firstly a large square welcomes all users, secondly a covered but external zone then leads users into the main lobby area. This space is covered by a pierced slab which serves as a meeting space for parents, teachers and students.

Project Detail

  • Private school with preschool, primary and secondary study levels, public areas and sport facilities

  • Date: February 2015

  • Client: Colegio Juan Pablo II Parla, S.L

  • Budget: € 8,600,000.00