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International Competition for a nursing home in Linz, Austria

Project description

The project’s programme includes a number of ground floor public uses surrounding an open public square. This space, categorized as the new urban centre of the neighbourhood, is protected but well connected to the city through a series of walkways. An artificial topography hides the ground floor to enable the residential volumes to strongly emerge from the landscape. The areas that require a higher degree of protection and privacy are integrated within the distant gardens disappearing and becoming unnoticed. The main square becomes a space for occasional events, an extension of the cafeteria and public meeting point.

Project Detail

  • Competition project with jury intervention for “The New Nursing and Women’s Shelter Home in Linz”, Austria

  • Date: October 2012

  • Client: GWG Linz (Gemeinnützige Wohnungs-gesellschaft der Stadt Linz GmbH)

  • Award: Finalists