C/ Reina Mercedes, 12 – 6ºB - 28020 Madrid | Tel: 91 456 02 79 | info@g34.es
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GEA architects maintains a research attitude in all its projects. We innovate because we believe that innovation is the basis of finding easier ways to do things better. For over fifteen years, this attitude has allowed us to develop an architecture that is appreciated by our clients and critics and responds to the constant evolution of construction techniques. We have designed and built homes and houses, schools and sports buildings, showrooms and offices, health centres as well as hotels and restaurants. Our work is not only nationally recognized, we have also developed projects in Europe and overseas.

Interior Design, Decoration, Design and Retail

GEA Architects pursues high quality architecture based on simplicity and linked to its context maintaining a high level of efficiency at a programmatic and economical level in search for added value to its customers. We pursue a pragmatic, analytical and open working methodology because we believe this leads to an intelligent and subtle architecture. This simplicity opens an honest and straightforward dialog between all parties involved; clients, users, planners and contractors resulting in a logical and clear aesthetic approach.

Rehabilitation and Refurbishments of Buildings

GEA Architects has well proven experience in the conception of projects. All aspects of the project must be consistent with the conceptual approach and in rehabilitation and refurbishment projects this is essential: we constantly seek to preserve the original concept or idea of the building and key design principles of the project but at the same time it is necessary to act with diligence and creativity where it’s most needed. The structure, facilities or building materials are the three elements of the rehabilitation and refurbishment design process that always requires a loyal reconstruction following the original project’s principles.

Management of Social Economy

GEA Architects considers necessary to maintain a close relationship with the end user to ensure a real engagement of the customer with the project. Social economy and housing cooperative systems for accessing the housing market are called to become evermore popular in response to a common desire of end users to live in a “customer friendly architecture”.